Hey Bloggie, its been super super super long...I apologize for the neglience, so as compensation let me update you with this JUICY LEGENDARY POST!!! yeah!!!
1:30 PM <3
hey bloggie and Mr.Q!
I've gotta a fever! woohoo~ So tonight's gonna be a rough night! So tonight's gonna be a rough night!
School started yesterday. I'm now officially an NP student. I had to only attend my lectures and workshop, so that makes my monday pretty free.
Lecture was incredible. It was very different from what we normal have in secondary school. One lecture has about 100 over people attending. Other than the different in class/lesson size, the lecturers are also something really different.
The Lecturer's character really varies from different modules you learn. My POA lecturer is a real serious bugger, other than the occasional jokes and side stories he tells, the rest are all about the subject. The plus side is that he really can explain the concepts properly.
I managed to crash other lectures like Business statistics, which is basically like Emaths Statistics except this has more english to it. The lecture was very "enlightening" to most of us, the lecturer loves to confuse students. I'm guessing it's his secret obsession.
So far, the people here are very peculiar. Be it in Fashion or character, they are weird. But hey! its interesting to observe!
Anyhows, first day was awesome!
JAn~jaN janice the MAYAN!
i'm joining Akido, NYAA, Baracudas. (CCA)
7:17 PM <3
This Ninja is owning the ROCK!!
Selva ( the hot dude with chocolate abs) is hyper throwing people in the water!
Don mess with the MASTER OF BREAK DANCING!! Go B-Boy!! woots~ hot isn't he!
See another victim!
Little mermaid can retire! cause here is the next beauty of the ocean! Tian Hong (sky red) he's our boss!!
Here's our new friend! Brownie the Dog! Me and Madaleine were gaga over him!!! Lucky!! i still love you!
The dude in the cap is my Leader Weichi! Awesome dude! finally enjoying the can dessert after opening it!
Fried rice and desserts at the beach on such a beautiful weather... It's priceless!!
WE are AWESOME! LEGENDARY!! Finally our group 5 have a photo! sadly the other two girls couldn't come... For you info, there are only 3 girls in my group... sucks to be me!! but at least these dudes are AWESOME!
Retribution for not bringing the can opener!! Look boobs!! Mr. Q you have to try burying someone one day! its an incredible experience!
"I regret nothing!" weichi said. hahah
Chubby Bunny!! he's a horrible player! He had to stuff 10 marshmallows!!!
A break after intense freebies!!
We had a Mass Mayan outing at the sentosa beach! awesome! didn't get.. thank god for that! otherwise im totally banned from the beach... YEAH!
Right over to the juicy bits! Guess what?! there are freshies that got steady just after a few days!!!
and the dude is totally sweet. We never suspected anything till someone noticed that they always walked together. Amazing cover!!!
The weather was superb! not too much sun and it was very windy! Perfect day if you ask me. Maybe cause of my presence... i kid. We played freezbie! and i was burning!!! Like the pro at it!!... i kid. i was actually right at the end cheering for the team.
"i'll scoop your eye balls out!" i screamed when i was totally desperate for the ball. My senior heard it, and i swear i saw him moving further away. Wow im awesome!
We had potluck! which is suppose to be a food sharing activity. My group, Mayans 5, decided on desserts which was obviously proposed by me. I suggested jellos and puddings and can food, but My leader (who promised to bring the can opener) didn't bring the can opener. So it was like "survivor: sentosa"...fortunately the others brought fried rice and other tibits so we didn't have to starve, our leader also went to the cafe nearby to open the cans. LUNCH IS SERVED!
They played chubby bunny and stuff like that. Many scandalous moments for couples in Mayans 4.
Ultimately, the outing was off the hook! AWESOME! LEGENDARY!
JAn~jaN janice the MAYAN!
I miss 5A!!! AND MR. Q! remember to make yourself free for the BEST AND MOST AWESOME ICE-CREAM in june!!! can't wait!
2:07 AM <3
HEY HEY!! blog blog blog blog!!
im updating for Mr Q.
Me and my friends from Mayans went to configure our laptops. Its really fast.
And we played WII.
Our King (chia hui)- famous for DNCE dance! went out all the way to win.
He is HI-LA-RI-OUS!!!
seriously the best part was....
King's grandma added him on face book!!
the profile photo is in GREAT QUALITY!! though it looks like some retro passport photo!!
the scene was SUPER EPIC!!!!
JAn~jaN janice the MAYAN.
having fun!!!
5:34 AM <3
right! it's after my BAOC!! business and accountancy orientation camp.
It was really boring at first. i felt very very alien like, but got to know some cool people. My leaders are really funny, their very hyper jesters!!!
AWESOME!!! is our alliance name. Mayans 5 is my group name.
Right on to stuff Mr Quek wants to know about, the guys are average looking. There are hot girls. And they hosts are very open!!! After losing a bet, they really waxed their armpit and leg hairs- on stage...an awesome sight seriously priceless. The pain was explicitly shown on their faces.
Anyways, i recieved my timetable
and it is GOOD!!
JAn~jaN janice the TIRED
Thanks Mr Q, will update!!
6:53 AM <3
11:05 AM <3
6:32 AM <3